My Qualifications

Spiritual, Healing and Complementary Therapy Courses Completed:
Mediumship Training and Teaching - Carole Bromley of TarotDeck (2000-2003)
Mediumship - The College of Holistic Advancement (2011)
Mediumship Program - Doreen Virtue/Angel University (2013)
Psychic Development - Carole Bromley of TarotDeck (2001)
Angel Healing Practitioner - Suzanne Roloff of Sacred Healing Light (2010)
Certified Angel Card Reader (tm) - Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine/Hay House (2012)
Tarot Diploma - Centre of Excellence (2020)
Usui Reiki Ryoho Level 1/Shoden Level of The Usui System of Natural Healing - Annie Allan and Annette Connell of The Crystal Garden (2001)
Usui Reiki Ryoho Level 2/Okuden Level of The Usui System of Natural Healing - Annie Allan and Annette Connell of The Crystal Garden (2002)
Usui Reiki Ryoho Level 3/Advanced Level of The Usui System of Natural Healing - Marion Craig of Angel Grove (2006)
Usui Reiki Ryoho Level 3/Shinpiden/Master/Teacher Level of The Usui System of Natural Healing - Marion Craig of Angel Grove (2006)
Usui Reiki Ryoho Level 3/Shihan Level of The Usui Teate Ho of Natural Healing - Marion Craig of Angel Grove (2006)
Usui Shiki Ryoho Level 3/Master/Teacher Level of The Usui Method of Natural Healing - Chris Comish (2009)
Usui Reiki Ryoho Levels 1-3 - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute (2009)
Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho Levels 1-3 - Jay Burrell of the Academy of LivingReiki Therapies (2014)
Usui Teate Reiki Levels 1-3 - Jay Burrell of the Academy of LivingReiki Therapies (2015)
Melody Love is in the Earth Master of Crystology Levels 1 & 2 - Anni Watson of Naturally Universal (2004)
Crystal Healing - Suzanne Roloff of Sacred Healing Light (2006)
Crystal Healing Diploma - School of Natural Health Sciences (2011)
Colour Therapy Diploma - School of Natural Health Sciences (2010)
SQA National Unit in Cookery - Motherwell College (1990)
Nutrition Diploma - School of Natural Health Sciences (2010)
Basic Aromatherapy - Motherwell College (2009)
Aromatherapy Diploma - School of Natural Health Sciences (2010)
Master Herbalist - Centre of Excellence (2019)
Thermal Auricular Therapy (Hopi Ear Candling) - Alice Forrest (2004)
Emergency First Aid - St Andrews First Aid/St Andrews Ambulance Association (2009)
Past Life Therapy Diploma - School of Natural Health Sciences (2012)
Introduction to Counselling - New College Lanarkshire (2015)
Counselling Skills - New College Lanarkshire (2015)
Crafting Courses Completed:
Blessed Branches - how to make Magical Tools, such as Wands, Sceptres, Staves and Smudging Fans - Natasha Heard (2012)
Creating Found Treasure Talismans - how to make Jewellery Pendants - Cheralyn Darcey (2012)
Office Administration and Business Courses Completed:
ONC in Secretarial Studies (Typewriting 3, 4, 5 & 6, Audio Typewriting 1 & 2, Word Processing 1 & 2 (WordPerfect), Information Technology, General Office Services, Reception 1, Learning & Study Skills, Financial Record Keeping, Insurance 2, Communication 4, Secretarial Studies, Shorthand (70 & 80 wpm Teeline Gold), Job Seeking Skills, Guidance) - Motherwell College (1990)
HNC in Secretarial Studies (Word Processing 3 (WordPerfect), Office Administration 1, Business Environment, Typewriting 3, Communication 3, People & Organisations) - Motherwell College (1991)
SQA Higher National Unit in: Microsoft Word for Windows - Future Business College (1995)
SQA Higher National Unit in: Document Processing (WordPerfect) - Bell College of Technology (1995)
SQA Higher National Unit in: Producing Business Documents (WordPerfect) - Motherwell College (1996)
SQA Higher National Unit in: The Structure of Business Organisations - Bell College of Technology (1996)
SQA Higher National Unit in: Communication Skills - Bell College of Technology (1996)
SQA Higher National Unit in: Shorthand (90 wpm Teeline Gold) - Bell College of Technology (1996)
Information Technology - Microcom Training (1997)
Level 2 Certificate in Business Administration Knowledge - West College Scotland (2024)
Childcare Courses Completed:
SQA National Unit in Child Development (2006)
Handling Teenage Behaviour - Community Learning and Home School Partnership (2015)
Other Courses Completed:
Qualifications in Dance (Tap, Ballet & Modern) - Karen Bordon School of Dance (1985)
English O Grade - Earnock High School (1989)
Arithmetic O Grade - Earnock High School (1989)
SQA National Unit in Car Mechanics - Motherwell College (1990)
Full UK Driving Licence held, including Pass Plus Certificate - BSM (2001)
Attunement Courses Completed:
Abundance & Prosperity Certificates:
Abundance and Success Empowerment Reiki - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Abundance Flush Empowerments 1-6 - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Abundance Blocker Removal System - Jay Burrell of LivingReiki Academy
The Abundance Magnet Empowerment - Jay Burrell of LivingReiki Academy
Attraction Reiki 1-3 - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
The Cornucopia Empowerment - Maria João Sereno (Brigitt)
The Diamond of Prosperity - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Financial Fear Flush – Jay Burrell of LivingReiki Academy
Ganesha Empowerment - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Good Fortune Prosperity Empowerment - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Light of Prosperity - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Manifestation Empowerment - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Money Angel Reiki - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Money Reiki 1-3 - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Money Reiki For A New Reality - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
St Germain and Raphael Prosperity Empowerment - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Angel Certificates:
The 4 Holy Archangelic Attunements - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
49 Angelic Symbols - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Angel Flames Reiki - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Angel Light Initiation - Stephen Lovering of Wings Therapies
Angel Lightworker Program - Suzanne Roloff of Sacred Healing Light
Angel Reiki - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Angel Wings - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Angelic Chakra Healing - Jay Burrell of LivingReiki Academy
Angelic Empowerments - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Angelic Expressions - Suzanne Roloff of Sacred Healing Light
Angelic Senses - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Archangel Michael Attunement - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Archangel Michaels Kyanite Sword - Jay Burrell of LivingReiki Academy
Archangel Raphael's Healing Hands Empowerment - Jay Burrell of LivingReiki Academy
Children's Angelic Light - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Colours Of Angels - Stephen Lovering of Wings Therapies
Sapphires Of Angels - Stephen Lovering of Wings Therapies
Companion Angels Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Feathers of An Angel - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Guardian Angel Reiki – Jay Burrell of LivingReiki Academy
The Gold Ray of Raphael - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Inner Beauty Attunement of Archangel Haniel - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
The Key of Archangel Raziel - Jay Burrell of the Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
Light of Angels Reiki - Suzanne Roloff of Sacred Healing Light
Light of Archangels Empowerment - Jay Burrell of LivingReiki Academy
Lightworker Angels of the Heart Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Archangelic Colours Link - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Ariel Archangelic Link - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Cassiel Archangelic Link - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Chamuel Archangelic Link - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Gabriel Archangelic Link - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Jophiel Archangelic Link - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Metatron Archangelic Link - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Michael Archangelic Link - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Raphael Archangelic Link - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Rose Aura Seraphic Link - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Sandalphon Archangelic Link - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Uriel Archangelic Link - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Zadkiel Archangelic Link - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Zaphrael Archangelic Link - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Metatron's Cube - Suzanne Roloff of Sacred Healing Light
The New Energies of Archangel Michael – Jay Burrell of LivingReikI Academy
Ray of Angels Oracle - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Shied of Archangel Michael - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Light of Zapharel - Leslie Wilson
Zapharel's Light of Love and Acceptance - Leslie Wilson
Zapharel's Light of Passion and Enthusiasm - Leslie Wilson
Zapharel's Light of Clear Vision and Understanding - Leslie Wilson
Zapharel's Light of Protection and Guidance - Leslie Wilson
The Diamond of Zapharel - Leslie Wilson
The Star of Zapharel - Leslie Wilson
Zapharel's Love and Peace Alignment - Leslie Wilson
The Silver Platinum Ray of Zapharel - Leslie Wilson
Animal Energy Certificates:
Angels of The Earth - Animal Healing - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Animal Empowerments - Suzanne Roloff of Sacred Healing Light and Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Bear Reiki - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Butterfly Reiki Healing - Jay Burrell of the Academy of LIvingReiki Therapies
Children's Ladybug Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Dragon Energy Programme - Jay Burrell of LivingReiki Academy
Dragon Ki Reiki - Jay Burrell of The School of LivingReiki Therapies
Dragon Light -
Dragon Lightworker Trilogy - Jay Burrell of the Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
Dragon Reiki 1& 2 - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Dragon Transformation Vortex - Jay Burrell of the Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
Dragon Warrior -
Hummingbird Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Bear Medicine Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Cougar Medicine Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Coyote Medicine Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Deer Medicine Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Domestic Cat Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Dragon Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Fox Medicine Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Great Blue Heron Medicine Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Hawk Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Racoon Medicine Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker The Swan Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Turkey Medicine Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Turtle Medicine Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Wolf Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Animal Path Healing - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Tiger Reiki - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Magic & Wisdom of the Unicorns – Jay Burrell of LivingReiki Academy
Pixie Unicorn Reiki - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Power Animal Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Rainforest Reiki - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Snap of the Dragon Reiki - Jay Burrell of the Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
Spirit Steed Reiki Empowerment - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Spiritual Animal Healing Program Levels 1-6 - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Totem Reiki - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Unicorn Energy Healing System - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
White Dove Reiki - Suzanne Roloff of Sacred Healing Light
Ascension Certificates:
The Acceptance Flush - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Ascension & Manifestation Lightwork Program - Jay Burrell of the Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
Ascension Vibration -
The Ascended Masters - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Ashati (levels 1, 2 & 3) - Jay Burrell of The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
Ayurveda Reiki - Dr Pragathi Priyadev
Bam Reiki - Jay Burrell of the Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
The Blessings of the Sacred Heart Empowerment - with Jesus – Jay Burrell of LivingReiki Academy
Blue Star Celestial Energy - Stephen Lovering of Wings Therapies
Breakthrough Reiki - Jay Burrell of The Academy of Living Reiki Therapies
Budai Empowerment - Jay Burrell of the Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
The Celestial Chakra Activation - Jay Burrell of the Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
The Celestial Light Body Activation - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
The Celestial Starseed Activation - Jay Burrell of the Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
Celestial Reiki - Tracy Kelly of TK Therapies
Christ Consciousness/Christ Healing - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Christ Healing Energy - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Cloak of Jesus Activation - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Compassion & Gifts of Goddess Kuan Yin - Jay Burrell of the Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
Conscious Reiki - Pamela Caddy of Healing Hands Academy
Drisana Level 1 - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Fearless Reiki - Barbara A Moskal
The Blessings of Goddess Quan Yin - Jay Burrell of The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
Gold Reiki - Stefan Kammerhofer
The Golden Ray Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Golden Star Christ Activations - Bhamesh Singh Bagratee (Deeshal)
Heart of Mary Magdalene Reiki - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
The Healing Energies of Our Lady of Lourdes - Jay Burrell of LivingReiki Academy
Imara Reiki - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Immaculate Heart of Mother Mary Reiki - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Indigo Children's Light Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Crystal Children's Light Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Rainbow Children's Light Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Jesus of Nazareth Healing Ray – Jay Burrell of LivingReiki Academy
Karmic Reiki - Suzanne Roloff of Sacred Healing Light
Lighten the Load Reiki - Hari Andri Winarso
Lightworker Knights of Melchizedek - Leslie Wilson
Lightworker Pure Potency Energy - Mariah "Windsong" Napieralski
Lord Ashtar Sheran Protection Attunement - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Love Light Synthesis Reiki - Pamela Caddy of Healing Hands Academy
Mahatma Ascension Reiki - Suzanne Roloff of Sacred Healing Light
MariEL Reiki - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Merlin Connection - Jay Burrell of LivingReiki Academy
Mother's Heart Reiki – Jay Burrell of LivingReiki Academy
New Earth Teacher Levels 1-9 - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
The New Energy of Saint Germain - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
The Orgone Tachyon Fusion Orb - Pamela Caddy of Healing Hands Academy
Planetary Intelligences - Barbara A Moskal
Quan Yin's Lavender Flame - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Sacred Flames Reiki - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Sacred Geometry Reiki - Suzanne Roloff of Sacred Healing Light
The Sacred Indigo Ray Attunement - Pamela Caddy of Healing Hands Academy
The Saints Initiations Level 1 - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
The Saints Initiations Level 2 - Jay Burrell of LivingReiki Academy
The Saints Initiations Level 3 - Jay Burrell of LivingReiki Academy
The Silver Violet Flame - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Spirit Reiki - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Starlight Reiki - Pamela Caddy of Healing Hands Academy
Tachyon 2010 - Ngurah Agung
Thor's Hammer Empowerment - Jay Burrell of The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
Violet Flame Reiki - Linda Taylor of One Heart Love
Colour, Chakra, Aura & Meridian Certificates:
Above The Radar Reiki - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Aura Flush - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Aurora Reiki - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Chakra Flower Essence - Jay Burrell of LivingReiki Academy
Chakra Flush Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Chakra Healing Attunements - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Chakra Ilahi - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Chakra Repair Empowerment -
Chandra Aura Reiki - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Colour Reiki for Children - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Energetic Aura Reiki - Jay Burrell of The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
Etheric Acupuncture - Self Attunement
Full Spectrum Healing - Chris Comish
Kundalini Reiki 1-3 & Kundalini Reiki Boosters 1-6 - Stefan Kammerhofer
Kundalini Reiki 2008 1-3 - Jay Burrell of The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
Lightworker Musical Notes Of The Chakras - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Magickal Colour Reiki - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Meridian Flush Empowerments 1-10 - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Meridian Reiki - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Purple Reiki - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
The Rainbow Light Healing System Level 1 - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
The Rainbow Light Healing System Level 2 - The Rainbow Dove - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
The Rainbow Light Healing System Level 3 - The Rainbow Skull Empowerment - Jay Burrell of The School of LivingReiki Therapies
The Rainbow Light Healing System Level 4- Jay Burrell of The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
Reiki Chakra 1-7 - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Unified Chakra - Self Attunement
WhiteLight Self-Empowerment System Levels 1-4 - Chris Comish
Zone Reiki 1-4 - Pamela Caddy of Healing Hands Academy
Crystal Certificates (and Atlantean/Lemurian):
Angel Stones - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
The Atlantian Crystal Activation - Suzanne Roloff of Sacred Healing Light
Atlantian Crystal Angels - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Atlantean Peace Reiki - Jay Burrell of LivingReiki Academy
Blue Star Lemurian Healing Empowerment – Jay Burrell of LivingReiki Academy
The Crystal Skull Activation - Suzanne Roloff of Sacred Healing Light
The Elemental Earth Star Empowerment - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Crystal Deva Empowerments - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Crystal Reiki - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Ethereal Crystals 1-6 - Stefan Kammerhofer
Ethereal Crystals 7-9 - Stephen Lovering of Wings Therapies
Ethereal Crystals 10-12 - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Ethereal Crystals Booster Level 1 - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Ethereal Crystals Booster Level 2 - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
The Lemurian Angels - Jay Burrell of LivingReiki Academy
Lemurian Crystal Band of Light - Jay Burrell of LivingReiki Academy
Lemurian Facilitator - Jay Burrell Of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Lemurian Seed Crystals 1-4 - Jay Burrell Of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Light of Lemuria - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
The Lithium Quartz Mental & Emotional Healing Method - Jay Burrell of The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
Lightworker Telos Empowerment - Jay Burrell of The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
Magickal Crystal Lightwork Program - Jay Burrell of The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
New Lemurian Energy - Jay Burrell Of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
The Phenacite Crystal Empowerment - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Prehnite Crystal Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Rainbow Rays Sacred Stone Activations - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
The Stellar Atom Crystal Empowerment - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Stone Reiki - Jay Burrell of The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
Health & Wellbeing Certificates:
Connective Tissue Service - Mariah Windsong Napieralski
Dental Shakti - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Lightarian Certificates:
Lightarian Angellinks (all levels) - Jay Burrell of The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
Lightarian Reiki (all levels) - Jay Burrell of The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
Magickal Certificates:
After The Rain Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Celtic Reiki - Stephen Lovering of Wings Therapies
Celtic Wisdom Energy System - Stephen Lovering of Wings Therapies
Elemental Reiki - Stephen Lovering of Wings Therapies
Excalibur Reiki - Suzanne Roloff of Sacred Healing Light
Heart of the Witch Empowerment – Jay Burrell of LivingReiki Academy
Magic Reiki - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Magickal Lightwork Program - Jay Burrell of The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
The Magickal Talisman Empowerment - Jay Burrell of The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
Spell Clearing Empowerment - Jay Burrell of The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
Stonehenge Energies - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Wisdom of Merlin - Jay Burrell of The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
Nature Spirit Certificates:
Amethyst Fairy Orb - Jay Burell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
The Crystal Faery Shield Empowerment - Jay Burrelll of The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
Energy and Magic of the Fairies - Jan Wilson
The Faery Flora Energies - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Faery Reiki - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
The Faery Tree Spirit Energies - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Fairy Light Ray Key - Jay Burell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Fairy LightWorker Program - Jay Burrelll of The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
Fairy Realms Reiki - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Green Trilogy - Jay Burrelll of The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
Greenman Attunement - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Magical Nature Reiki - Pamela Caddy of Healing Hands Academy
Oceanic Energy Certificates:
Aquamarine Dolphin Healing Ray - Pamela Caddy of Healing Hands Academy
Dancing with Dolphins - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Dolphin Prism Attunements - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Dolphin Rainbow Chakra Healing System - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Dolphin Reiki - Linda Taylor of One Heart Love
Dolphin Sacred Drumbeat Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Dolphin Trilogy Reiki - Linda Taylor of One Heart Love
Dolphins Of Atlantis - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Friends Of The Sea Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Ocean Mother Full Moon Initiation - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Merfolk Reiki - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Turquoise Flame - Pamela Caddy of Healing Hands Academy
Walking The Rainbow With Dolphin Trilogy Reiki - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Plant Energy Certificates:
Chakra Flower Essence – Jay Burrell of LivingReiki Academy
Ethereal Flowers 1 & 2 - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies and Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Ethereal Herbs - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies and Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Etheric Herbal Remedies - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Etheric Passion Flower Essence - Jay Burrell of LivingReiki Academy
Flower Attunements - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Flower Essence Reiki - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Homeopathy Ki 1-13 -
Karmic Flowers - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Lightworker Calla Lily Flower Attunement - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Lightworker Lavender Plant Shakti System - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute.
The Magickal Tree Essence Empowerment - Jay Burrel of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Reiki Certificates:
Advanced Reiki Master - Elemental Usui Reiki Level 4 - Jay Burrell of the Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
Karuna Ki - Stephen Lovering of Wings Therapies
New Usui Reiki 1-3 - Chris Comish
Raku Kei Reiki - Stephen Lovering of Wings Therapies
Reiki Grand Master Levels 5-15 - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Shamballa Multi Dimensional Healing - Stephen Lovering of Wings Therapies
Tibetan Reiki - Suzanne Roloff of Sacred Healing Light
Seichim/Egyptian Certificates:
Ancient Egyptian Healing Modalities - Suzanne Roloff of Sacred Healing Light
Archangelic Seichim - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Gayatri Seichim - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
The Golden Triangle Healing System - Linda Taylor of One Heart Love
Green Tara Seichim - Stephen Lovering of Wings Therapies
The Isis Blue Moon Healing System - Stephen Lovering of Wings Therapies
Isis Seichim - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Lightworker Dolphin Sekhem Seichim Reiki - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Maha Kali Seichim - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Phoenix Seichim - Jay Burrell of LivingReiki Academy
Pyramid Reiki - Suzanne Roloff of Sacred Healing Light
Ra-Sheeba - Jay Burrell of The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
Sekhem Seichim - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Seichim - Linda Taylor of One Heart Love
Sekhmet Seichim - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Soul Star Seichim - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Shamanic Certificates:
Ama Deus Shamanic Healing - Stephen Lovering of Wings Therapies
Elven Shamanic Healing - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Hawaiian Trinity Reiki - Stephen Lovering of Wings Therapies
Magickal Shaman LightWorker Program - Pamela Caddy of Healing Hands Academy
Ma'Heo'O Reiki - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Sacred Breath - Brenda Roquet
Shamanic Empowerment & Shaman Power - Suzanne Roloff of Sacred Healing Light
Shamanic Energy Healing - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Shamanic Soul Retrieval Reiki - Jay Burrell of The School of Living Reiki Therapies
Spiritual/Intuitive Certificates:
Ajna Activation Program - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
The Akashic Records - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
The Astral Entity Attachment Removal Empowerment - Jay Burrell of LivingReiki Academy
Crossroads Energy Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Familiar Spirits Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Home Protection Reiki - Jay Burrell of LivingReiki Academy
Higher Self Journey Activations Program - Lorraine Morrow
Inner Eye Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Intuition & Enorasis Empowerment 1 - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Intuition & Enorasis Empowerment 2 - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Reiki Psychic Attunement - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
The Spirit Guide & Lucid Dreaming Flush Empowerment - Jay Burrell of LivingReiki Academy
Telepathy Empowerment - Jay Burrell of The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies
Third Eye Psychic Empowerment - Tracy Kelly of TK Therapies
Whispers Energy Empowerment - Nicole Lanning of Healing Art Forms Institute
Therapy Memberships:
Full Member of the International Association of Therapists -
Former Member/Fellow/Advisor of the SHTC (Society for Holistic Therapists and Coaches) from 2009 to 2020