💜 1 Page Reading by email 💜
Would you like to receive some spiritual guidance, or would you like to find out who is around you from the spiritual realms? If so, why not book a 1 page channelled Reading with me, as a gift to yourself. You deserve it!
This beautiful 1 page Spiritual Reading will be lovingly channelled for you for approximately 20 minutes and your messages will be typed up for you onto a pdf file and sent to you by e-mail. Your 1 page Reading will be approximately 700-800 words long.
The Readings I do come through in a similar fashion to Spiritual Counselling and all of the messages will be brought to you in a loving way that will leave you feeling inspired, empowered and ready to move on to the next stage of your life. They can be very healing, touching, uplifting, motivational and even educational, and I just love bringing through these Readings.
The types of Readings I offer are as follows:
💜 Angel & Ascension
💜 Colour & Crystal
💜 Divine Guidance
💜 Magickal
💜 Nature
💜 Past Life
💜 Spirit (Mediumship)
💜 Spirit Guide
This Reading is perfect for answering one question or receiving guidance on one area of your life.
Some things I can help you with and that you can ask me about include the following: romance/love, career/ basic finances/abundance, general health (but not medical), your energy system/chakras/aura, colour therapy, life purpose/life path, spiritual growth/ascension, past lives, family life, who is around you (angels, guides, nature spirits, beings of light, departed loved ones), plants/herbs, crystal therapy, animal communication and magickal work.
Please note, I cannot answer questions of a serious medical, legal, criminal or financial nature. Readings are "for spiritual and entertainment purposes only and have not been scientifically proven." You must be 18 years old to receive a Reading.
🌈 Price/Energy Exchange: £22
The current waiting time to receive your Reading after you book is: approximately 7-10 days.
Please see the following link to view my 1 page Reading: https://www.angeliclight.co.uk/product-page/1-page-reading-by-e-mail
I look forward to doing a Reading for you and bringing you loving and uplifting guidance from spirit, the angels, ascended masters or your spirit guides, to help you along your path of light. Love and hugs, Catherine xxx 💜
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