💜 Angel & Ascension Reading by email 💜 - would you like to hear from your angels, or from the ascended masters who work with you, and receive support, help and guidance from them? If so, why not treat yourself to a channelled Reading from me!
With this type of Reading, you will receive loving and inspirational, high vibrational channelled guidance from the angels, archangels or ascended masters, and I will let you know which ones are working with you at the present time. They can give you advice about your life, and answer any questions that you have asked. Working with the angels can be very healing, uplifting and beautiful!
Some things I can help you with and that you can ask me about include the following: romance/love, career/ basic finances/abundance, general health (but not medical), your energy system/chakras/aura, colour therapy, life purpose/life path, spiritual growth/ascension, past lives, family life, who is around you (angels, guides, nature spirits, beings of light, departed loved ones), plants/herbs, crystal therapy, animal communication and magickal work.
Please note, I cannot answer questions of a very serious medical, legal, criminal or financial nature. Please consult an appropriately qualified person if you need serious help with anything of this nature.
Readings are "for spiritual and entertainment purposes only and have not been scientifically proven." You must be 18 years old to receive a Reading from me.
🌈 Price/Energy Exchange:
Mini Reading - £12
1 page Reading - £22
2 page Reading - £42
3 page Reading - £62
4 page Reading - £82
Your Reading will be sent to your email address as a pdf file, usually around 7-10 days after you have booked it.
If you would like to explore booking an Angel & Ascension Reading with me, please see the following link:
I look forward to working with you and helping you! Love and hugs, Catherine xxx 💜