This offer has now closed. The two people to recieve the Readings are Sarah Watkins and Lori Marks - Ccongratulations! Here are your Readings:
Sarah Watkins: Quan Yin is here for you and her message is “Beloved one, you are a beautiful person inside and out and the love you have for others is outstanding. Use these gifts and skills you hold to help others along their pathway of light once more. You have had a recent break in your work, but now it is time for you step once more into the light, so that you can help those in pain and help to ease the hearts of others. You are a loving soul with much to share and we look forward to seeing your new creations again soon. It is time for you to fly dear one and we are all behind you every step of the way! We send you many blessings and much love as you open yourself up once more to the light of spirit. It is your time to shine and be all you came here to be. Sweet one, you are such a joy to behold and we love you dearly. We will watch with eager eyes to see the next stage of your development. We stand behind you in loving protection as you do your work, so never fear, for we are always here.”
Lori Marks: Archangel Raphael is here for you and he says “Glorious one, you have gone through a tough time lately, but things are looking up for you, and as the sun shines once more, you will too. Look to the stars and see how wonderful they are. When we look at you, we too see how wonderful you are, for you are a shining star also. Let the light that is inside you beam from you to all directions of time and space, for your power and glory will help others in need. Let your love shine deeply for all to see, and know that you are gloriously surrounded by your loving angels at all times of the day. I am with you a lot, helping you and guiding you along your path. I look forward to working with you on a deeper level, both with your health and while you are helping others. You have many gifts that you hold dearly, yet you do not always share them with the world. It is time for you to develop these gifts further and then share them with others, to create a chain of light around the world that will shine up to the heavens and back. You are ready now, dear one, to get into your lightwork more fully now, so take the plunge and do what you have always dreamed of. I am with you and I am Archangel Raphael.”