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Angelic Light

This offer has now closed - thanks to everyone who signed up!

Hi everyone, today at around 4pm (UK time), I am going to be offering some free Mini Readings here on my website blog, to celebrate my Facebook Page getting to over 4000 likers! These will be for likers of my Facebook Page and Website Members only (if you are already a member of one of them but not the other, you do not have to join the other one if you don’t want to – being a member of one of them is fine).

I will make a new post on this blog for every type of Mini Reading that I am going to be offering throughout the day. I will be offering the following types of Mini Readings:

1. Angel & Ascension (a channelled message from either an Angel or Ascended Master who works with you).

2. Animal Guide (a channelled message from one of your Animal Totem Guides).

3. Colour (a channelled message from the Angels of Colour to let you know which colour would benefit you most at this time).

4. Crystal (a channelled message from the crystal kingdom to let you know which crystal would benefit you most at this time).

5. Nature Spirit (a channelled message from one of the Nature Spirits that work with you).

6. Oceanic Energy (a channelled message from the Oceanic Realms, for example, this could be from a Dolphin guide, Mermaid or another Oceanic being that works with you).

7. Plant Energy (a channelled message from the Plant Kingdom, for example, a message about a Flower, Herb, Plant or Tree that would benefit you at this time).

8. Spirit Guide (a channelled message from one of your Spirit Guides).

I will make a new blog post for each type of Reading and then the first 2 people to comment with their name on each of these blog posts will receive a Mini Reading of that type, which I will announce and then post on to that specific blog post once I have completed it (please do not comment to this blog post, as that will not count). You are only allowed to 'win' one Mini Reading each, so if you have already won one type, please do not enter your name for another, so other people can have a chance to win one too. To post a comment on the Readings posts that I will put up, just click on the "comments" area below each post (you may need to click on the "comments" section at the top right of each post if you are not fully inside the post). I will post all 8 posts throughout the day and I will post on my Facebook page every time I am going to be putting each blog post up, so that people will have time to come and post their name. You are better to be on a computer to do this, although you may be able to do it through a mobile device – I am not sure. I know my website is mobile compatible, but I am not sure if you can make blog comments using this type of device. You do not need to be a member of my website to make the blog comments, as anyone can post with their name, email address and comment (your email address will not show up on the blog page), but if you are a website member, it may be easier for you to make the blog comments. If you do wish to sign up as a member of my website, you can do so here:

Good luck everyone and I am looking forward to doing some Mini Readings for 16 people! If you don't win a Reading, please don't be disappointed, as I am offering a Free Quan Yin's Lavender Flame Distant Healing Session and a Dolphins of Atlantis Distant Attunement tomorrow that everyone will be able to take part in. Lots of Love, Catherine xxx


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