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Angelic Light

This offer has now closed. The two people to recieve the Readings are Pauline Brown and Jennifer Deisher - Congratulations! Here are your Readings:

Pauline Brown: The flower that is being shown to me for you is the Rose. I am being shown a beautiful pale Pink Rose and this is connected to your heart, to help you to heal from grief and pain. Here is a message from Rose: “Beautiful one, you have come so far in your life and now is not the time to give up. You must hold your head up high and keep your heart open, so that you can move on to the next stage in your life, which is just around the corner for you. You have had many dealings in your past that have left you heartbroken, including times with children that have left you feeling sad. It is time to overcome these hurts and pains in your life, so that you can heal yourself once and for all and feel worthy enough to carry on. You are a beautiful person, with a loving heart, so never forget this, beautiful soul. You are a wise one, sent here to this fine Earth to learn and to grow, and to share your light and love with others along the way. You are a beautiful light and you must hold yourself together so that you can move on in joy and ecstasy. You have had your fair dealings of pain in this lifetime, but now it is time for you to take a deep breath and let it all go to the wind, so that you can secure and hold a good lifetime for yourself from now on. You are ready to take the world by storm with your creative skills, so get yourself in the kitchen and let yourself create to your heart’s content. Use my oil to cook with and also to bathe with and you will be feeling much better in no time at all. I am with you in your heart as you move forward on your life’s path. I send you love and I send you joy to accompany you on this path, so that you can feel uplifted and safe once more. I rejoice with you when you have a good day, for it is much deserved. I go now but I will be with you when you call on my energies. I wish you the most blessed evening.”

Jennifer Deisher: The plant that is coming forward for you is Echinacea. This beautiful herb is one that would help you very much right now as it will work deeply with you on issues of the heart. Here is a message from Echinacea: “Wonderful one, you are in need of my help it seems. I will gladly pour my energies forthwith to you to help you on your path to health. You have been feeling under the weather lately and part of this is due to the actual weather around you at this time. You are in need of more fresh air and more ventilation in your house, so be sure to get all the fresh air you need and this will help your heart and lungs to be strong. I can gift you power and strength to help you breathe more easily and also to heal your heart chakra of pains from the past that you hold deeply and securely in there. It is time for you to let go of your times of the past, especially from childhood, for it serves you not to hold onto these. Once you release and let go of these hurts, you will feel so much better within yourself and your heart chakra will heal and grow to much more acceptable levels. You have it in you to be a very powerful healer indeed, so set yourself free, so that you can go on and help others to heal too. You are ready, dear one, to burst forth in light and be the person you have always dreamed of being. You are a lovely person who is always there for others, but are you always there for yourself? You need to take some more time just for you and be sure to say no to others if they are draining your energies. Make time for yourself and you will fly high! I look forward to seeing how you get on in the future and you can use my energies in a herbal form or as an energy form that can be called in. The choice is yours and I look forward to seeing how you do with using my energies more.”


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