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Message from Lord Ashtar

Angelic Light

Message from Lord Ashtar: "Greetings beloved children of the light. It is time for you to put down your swords and instead pick up your tools of light to help bring joy and compassion to this world. Remember who you are and take off the blinkers that have been put upon you. Go forth now and make this world a better place with your loving kindness. Explore the world in all its glory, but never forget who you are or what you came here to do. You all have a mission to do on this earth. You are all very important and are much revered by all of the spiritual kingdoms. Never forget who you are. It is time for you all to awaken now to the truth. Let the higher realms help you, but most importantly, just be yourself and let your light shine forth like the great light that is pouring from the heavens now. I go now in peace, but I am with you always, in loving service to Mankind."


Channelled by Catherine at Angelic Light 27/02/2020 xxx


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