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*Messages of the Day* (updated frequently)

Angelic Light

*Message of the Day* from St Germain: “On this fine day, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you all for all the healing work and energies you have sent to our dear planet, for she appreciates them very much. You are all wonderful sports and without you, we would not be where we are today. So keep up the good work, wayshowers, and continue to be a beacon of light for others. Who can you help today out of the kindness of your heart? If you can help one person, please do so, and this kindness will spread like a chain of light around the world; linking up and creating a huge bunch of lights, much like those that surround a Christmas tree. You are loved, dear ones, so never forget this. Keep on being the brave soldiers of light that you are and we thank you profusely from the bottom of our hearts for all the work you do for others and for mankind. It does not go un-noticed.” - Channelled by Catherine Robson on the 30th November 2012 - please share if you feel guided to. ♥

*Message of the Day* from Archangel Michael: “Blessings of the full moon to you all on this fine day! The energies have changed somewhat in the last few days and many of you have been feeling out of sorts, as much was being released and cleansed in preparation for the energies of this beautiful moon. You should start to see a difference now and if you were feeling a bit under the weather, your energy should have risen back to normal levels now that the moon is brightly shining her light over you all in glorious ways. Of course, the moon is always there and is always in her full glory, but she is hidden from view at different times and this can affect how the energies reach you. This moon is an extra powerful one, so use her energies wisely and ask her to cleanse you and your belongings, as well as charge them with Source light for an extra boost. I wish you all well and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. - Channelled by Catherine Robson on the 28th November 2012 - please share if you feel guided to. ♥

*Message of the Day* from Lord Merlin: “Good day to you all. Today is a day where many of you are feeling a bit shaken and you are wondering how you can make ends meet, especially with the Christmas period coming up. Know that you can manifest that which you need to you. Trust and believe that you can, and you will. Only you block the flow of abundance that comes to you, so open yourself up and affirm “I now accept all full methods of abundance that come to me now. I accept them with all my heart and soul and I deserve them, for I am worthy. I am that I am and I am abundant in all ways; in all shapes and forms and in all directions of time.” Then state to the Universe, or whoever you prefer, just what it is that you desire. Ask for it in a prayer or during your meditations and ask us to help you achieve your goals. Then, step back and allow these bountiful gifts to come to you easily and effortlessly, without worrying about them. Good luck with your creating and manifesting, for indeed, you are all creators of the highest order and highest light.” - Channelled by Catherine Robson on the 26th November 2012 - please share if you feel guided to. ♥

*Message of the Day* from Archangel Ariel: “Greetings to you all. I am here today to bring you a message from the realms of the sea. As you know, I work closely with the sea beings and water sprites to bring healing and guidance to the whole oceanic realms of Earth. Although it is the natural cycle of life to eat other animals if one feels guided to do so; the way in which animals are caught and used for flesh consumption is quite barbaric in many countries. We ask you to please consider more humane ways of leading the beautiful beings of the sea to the spiritual realms. Please honour them and pray for them while they pass over to the light, for they are gifting you their life, even if they resist this. At some level, their soul may have agreed to be of service to you, out of love, but the way in which some humans treat the animals of the Earth, not only those of the sea, is beyond cruel. We are not telling you to stop eating flesh, for this is your choice and your decision, but please consider the way in which the animals are being killed, for many are being abused and tortured before their death and they are not being allowed to “get away” if they choose not to go. It is an animal’s right to choose also, if they wish to be consumed or not, so, for example, we will look at the dolphins and whales in Japan and we can see that some of them try to escape what is happening to them. In these cases, they should be let free, for they have not agreed to be consumed. It is forced upon them. There are some animals in the world who have indeed chosen to come to Earth to be used as meat and they have gifted themselves to you in honour. Most of these types of animals are bred for consumption and they only know that type of life. Consuming wildlife is a different matter, although we do not class any animal as better than another; we only mention this to convey our thoughts. Wild animals have chosen to be wild and are not usually under any contract to be caught and consumed as meat by humans. This is not to say that they won’t be. It is an animal’s choice, just as it is your choice to eat the meat. We all have free will. So if a wild animal resists being caught and refuses to give its life up, then it should be released; it should not be forced in to its death. God has provided much food on Earth to feed the masses, yet a lot of it is left to wither and die so that animals are used instead. Why not focus on the bounty that God has given you and only consume flesh as a last resort, or in small amounts? This would help the planet in the long run and ensure that no animal is killed against its will. We know that this post may be sensitive to many but we ask that it be put out there in honour of the animals that are taken each day; many of them taken against their will. We ask with love that you reconsider the type of meat you use, if any, and try and look at ways of consuming only animals who are treated humanely in their passing. Honour all animals and treat them with respect. They offer only respect and love to you too. I send this message with my heartfelt love and with a wish to make this planet a better place to live on. From my heart to yours, dearest ones.” - Channelled by Catherine Robson on the 22nd November 2012 - please share if you feel guided to. ♥

*Message of the Day* from Ascended Master Racoczy: “The energy on your planet is very up and down at the moment, however, know that the good you do for your planet is multiplied a thousand times and that each moment you live in peace, this is transferred to the earth to be processed and further travelled along many pathways of light, to other destinations. Each moment you breathe is precious, so take care of yourself and enjoy your life to the full. There is no use holding back in anything that you wish to do. Move forth and know that you are divinely supported along the way. There are many beings of light here to assist you, including me. Do not fret or worry about asking any of us for help, for that is what we are here for; to be in service to mankind. We have lived the life you have, so we know the both the pitfalls and the treasures that you encounter. We understand, and that is why we can help you so greatly. With the help of the Angelic realms also, we can offer a whole and balanced assistance program to you, at no cost. You do not need to pay for our help. All you need to do is ask for it. Know that you are divinely supported in many ways; much more than you can see with your earthly vision. Worry not, for the world is rising and with this brings great light. Hang on tight and enjoy the ride, although with this light, much has to be released first. Keep yourself grounded and protected at all times, so that you feel secure and safe within the world you live in. Breathe from the heart and know that you are loved in so very many ways. We are with you, dear Ones. You are never alone. We bid you good day and we hope that you shall call on us soon.” - Channelled by Catherine Robson on the 16th November 2012 - please share if you feel guided to. ♥

*Message of the Day* from the Elemental Kingdom (Nature Spirits): “The time has come for you all to put down your mass weapons of destruction and take better care of the Earth. We watch with dismay at how you treat each other and the Earth, your beautiful Mother of Light. We know that a lot of you do take care of the Earth and for this we thank you. We also know that not everyone is at war and we respect this. Please teach others how to live peacefully upon our planet and show them ways of reducing waste, so that our Mother is not burdened any more than she is now. She feels the pressure of everything that we put on to her, so please take care of her needs, just as she takes care of yours. As Mother and Son and Mother and Daughter rest carefully against each other, you too should be careful with your Earth Mother. She does everything for you and asks nothing in return, except that you keep her clean and look after each other with love and gentleness. Go now, beautiful Eco Warriors and show the world just how it should be done. We ask this with love and gratitude and we send you many blessings today. We are sorry if our post sounds harsh to some, but we can see the bigger picture and we see what gets done to the Earth daily. Worry not though, for over time, our Earth will rise again and as she does so, she will be free. Please look after her, just as you would your own Mother. Ways you can do this are: recycle more, do gentle gardening, send love and healing to the Earth, clean up your beaches and streets, stop using harsh chemicals on your body and the Earth, come to peaceful agreements rather than wars that hammer the Earth, and of course, eat healthier so that there are not as many wrappers, bottles and packaging used. Go organic and grow your own vegetables and this will save you money too. Go green lovely ones! We wish you farewell and we hope you enjoyed our message.” - Channelled by Catherine Robson on the 15th November 2012 - please share if you feel guided to. ♥

*Message of the Day* from Archangel Michael: “Greetings! The energies have changed so much lately and much has been lifted from the Earth planes, in preparation for her ascension. We thank you greatly for all that you do for the Earth, for you have helped her greatly and now she is sitting stable, awaiting her glory. As she was releasing many burdens from her back, so too were you and you may have noticed that you were experiencing a whole range of mood swings and energy dips and slides. Know that this time has passed now and the coming few months are all about renewing your energies and moving into a time of joy, rather than pain. Mother Earth has birthed once again and this has been a trying time for her, as well as for all of you. After pain comes delight, so enjoy the coming weeks where you should feel enlightened and less burdened. Good times are coming dear ones, so it is a time to celebrate your true existence and rejoice in all that life holds. If you are still feeling weary, call on me to cleanse and protect your energies, so that you too can move onto higher and brighter times. Many lightworkers have felt disconnected lately as the lower energies were being released. Some felt overwhelmed and found it hard to just get through the day. Know that this was due to most of you helping Mother Earth with her deep clearing, for you agreed to shoulder the burdens for her and release them to the light, so that they could be transmuted into light. If she had to do this by herself, there would be much more worldwide catastrophes and earth disturbances and there is enough already, without there having to be even more. So, glorious ones, we thank you for your assistance and know that you have done a great job! Now it is time to celebrate the burden that has been lifted and focus on yourself once more. Be sure to take care of yourselves and treat yourself to something that will uplift and comfort you. As you all recover from the past waves of confusion and difficulty, it is important to look after yourselves and ensure your health at all times. As you heal yourself you are then more able to help others. So go now, precious ones and go inwards to release all that you do not need or anything that you are holding onto that is not yours. Once you have done this, you will feel so much brighter and rejuvenated. Ask us to help you and we will hold you in our wings until you can release no more. Release the burdens and release the pain; then joy will be yours. Good times are coming, dear ones, so do not worry! Always live in the higher love and as you do so, only love will prevail. I am with you all and I send you my deepest love and best wishes for a most fruitful day.” - Channelled by Catherine Robson on the 14th November 2012 - please share if you feel guided to. ♥

*Message of the Day* from Lord Melchizedek: “Blessings dear Ones, I have come here today to spread a message of peace and joy. As you know, we are coming into a great time of transition on the Earth plane and with this comes many changes and upheavals. We know that many of you are going through a very tough time right now and we acknowledge this. It is important to stay grounded and centred during this time and to be strong amongst all this adversity. You do have it in you, each and every one of you, to be resilient and strong. You all have our help of course too, so never be afraid to ask us to come to you. You are never alone and all matters deserve attention. All prayers are always answered, even if not always the way that you had hoped. It will always be for your highest good. God hears all of your prayers and we help to answer them. We are God’s workers if you like, just like you are. If you are in need of assistance, please do ask or if you do not feel comfortable asking us, ask someone around you on a physical level, such as a doctor, family member or anyone you can trust. It is important to get that help now, rather than waiting until a later date.”

“Many Angels surround you all, especially the great Archangel Michael, who I work with closely. He is with many of you, helping you along your spiritual path. Another Angel who works closely with the Earth plane is Archangel Raphael and he has many strings to his bow. All Angels are highly trained and are only willing to take your call. All you have to do is ask out loud or inside your head for assistance and they will hear you and take appropriate action. Here is a little exercise for you to try: Call on your Guardian Angel to be by your side right now. Say “Dear Guardian Angel, please be with me and help me to be aware of your energy.” Then notice how you feel. You may feel a tingling around you, heat or cold or just a feeling of knowing that they are with you. Ask them now to make this energy stronger and see what happens. Acknowledge them even if you do not feel this energy. Just know that they are there with you to support you. If you do feel them with you, then this is great. Take time each day to develop a bond with them and this will bring you so much joy.”

"I go now Beloveds but know that I am here and I will help you to be strong. Call my name and I shall be there. With all my love and strength, Lord Melchizedek.” - Channelled by Catherine Robson on the 9th November 2012 - please share if you feel guided to. ♥

*Message of the Day* from Mother Mary: “Greetings beloved souls, I have been working closely with a lot of people on our dear Earth recently and I am honoured and delighted that so many of you have been wanting to connect with me; much more than normal, which is wonderful. I would like to thank all those beautiful beings who have been working with me, as it has allowed me to come even closer to the earth and to help in many more ways than before. I am always here, but sometimes the lower energies from earth can weigh me down so I only come for short periods of time in my full body. Now that more people are opening up to my energies and letting go of fears from the past, I am able to manifest more fully for longer periods of time. This allows me to do my work on a deeper level and I am then able to help more people. Please continue to work with me if you feel guided to and if you have never consciously worked with me before, then please call on me for help and assistance, especially with matters to do with the heart. I will be there in an instant and I graciously offer my love to each and every one of you who read this message. Come with me and I will take you on a journey of the heart, to delve and dive deep within the waters that exist there. I will help you to lessen the pain you feel when you are grieving and I will help you to release the muddy waters of the past. It is time to move on now, beloveds and move to a new and brighter place. Let your heart sing with joy and love and let it expand to encompass your very soul and true being. You are loved, dearest ones! Never forget this. I wish you well and bid you farewell but this is not the last you will hear me, for I shall be back with many messages in the coming times. Go now, wonderful ones and spread your light, for the world needs you at this time. Continue your prayers for they do help and God does hear every single one of them. Many blessings are bestowed upon you now, dear ones, as you go about your daily business. Bask in the love that is there for all and know that you deserve to be happy and abundant. You are worth it and all is well.” - Channelled by Catherine Robson on the 8th November 2012 - please share if you feel guided to. ♥ Doreen Virtue has some new Mary, Queen of Angels Oracle Cards out if anyone is interested. I got them the other day and they have amazing energies:

*Message of the Day* from Quan Yin: “Good morning beautiful ones, it is such a lovely day and one to be celebrated as we move into a new beginning, especially with the American election results having been announced not that long ago. You have chosen well, dearest ones and a new and better time will abound. Although it may take a while to see these new positive changes that will come, they will come and they will be celebrated. The people must have their say and this they have done graciously. The re-election process has sparked interest from all over the world and it has reawakened many to stand up for what they believe in. This resurge of interest will make for greater change and people will push forwards now towards their dreams. Much is coming beautiful souls; many changes for the better. As these changes come, old patterns and beliefs will fall away, so prepare for letting go of the old, so that the new can enter gracefully.”

“You are loved, dearest precious souls, so never worry; you are never alone. You always have your own spiritual team with you at all times of the day, who you can call on for help and assistance. For those who have lost their loved ones recently, know that they are safe and well and that they watch over you from above. They are never alone either, for they too, have their soul family with them always. Together you still have a close bond, for in reality there is no separation. You are still together in many ways and during sleep time, you do visit them in their spiritual home, just like they visit you in your earthly home. Be well, precious beloveds. I send you much love from my heart to yours, today and always.” - Channelled by Catherine Robson on the 7th November 2012 - please share if you feel guided to. ♥

*Message of the Day* from my guide White Feather: “As time goes on, many of you will feel guided towards a healthier lifestyle, however, this can be hard to do at times, especially with all the sugary temptations that are around most of you at this time. Know that it is ok to have a treat now and then; you do not need to deny yourself, however, it is important that the proportion of your meals are healthy and substantial for your physical body to live on. Know that the best foods for you to eat are water based, such as fruits and vegetables, as these contain the perfect balance of nutrients you need to get through the day. There are other foods that are very healthful too, of course, but these are the main foods you should be consuming regularly, with smaller amounts of everything else. It is important for you to eat healthily so that you can be energised and full of life, for this planet that you live on can be very dense and much negativity surrounds most of you from televisions, radios and other electrical items that are very draining indeed. When you eat fruits and vegetables, these help to protect you and they make your skin glow too. So the next time you wish to reach for a sugary snack and you have already had one too many, have a rethink and pick up a piece of fruit instead. You will be glad that you did and your body will thank you for it. Know that we are always here in the spiritual realms to assist with food intake and healthy living, so call on us at any time and we will be available to help. If you have cravings that you cannot overcome by yourself, then please seek out an appropriate health professional who can assist you and put you on a plan that you can follow easily. We all send you much encouragement and support at this time, so open up and accept this help and love that we send to you always. With respect, White Feather.” - Channelled by Catherine Robson on the 5th November 2012 - please share if you feel guided to. ♥

*Message of the Day* from St Germain: “Greetings, precious ones! On this fine day, I am here to bring you a message of hope and joy. Although many people are feeling rather tired at the moment, know that behind the scenes there is much lightwork going on and the power of all of you put together is making a difference in the world. Your light is truly helping and assisting us to do our jobs and you make our work so much easier. Although it may seem to you that you ask us for help a lot, this is true, but you all help us immensely too, so there is a nice balance. Never feel bad for asking us for help, for that is what we are here for and we love to help and assist as much as we can. We are always here in loving service to you and we do our best to help our dear Mother Earth. Our mission, and yours too is to be a light in the darkness of this planet, to help with the ascension of the planet, as well as your own ascension phases. You are all doing a wonderful job, so keep up the good work and if you feel that you need a day off to rest and recuperate, then take it. It is best if you are feeling healthy to do this work, although that is not to say that you cannot do it if you are feeling ill. But you must look after yourself and take some time out just for you, so that you can focus on yourself for a while and give yourself the healing that you truly need. Don’t forget to ask us for help with your personal healing, for we are always here for you all at all times of the day. Help each other too and come together with like-minded souls, so that you can all move on in your groups towards the light. Know that as you do so, you will attract more and more people who will resonate with you and your energies and you will then be even more powerful together, bringing more light to each other and to the earth. You are loved beyond measure and always in our hearts. We treasure you, so keep going and fill this world with your loving light. You are truly powerful in many ways, dear ones!” - Channelled by Catherine Robson on the 1st November 2012 - please share if you feel guided to. ♥

*Message of the Day* from Quan Yin: “Beautiful ones, you have all grown so much recently as time is speeding up and your ascension has been accelerated. This can be overwhelming for some who may feel stuck and not able to move on. Know that this time is temporary and that things will settle down soon. As Mother Earth speeds up her cleansing, she is letting go of all that she no longer needs, such as old heavy energies that were weighing her down. You too, should do the same, and let go of all that is heavy in your life. On this day of Halloween, it is a good time to let go of old hurts and pains, letting go of old energies, so that new higher energies can come in. If you are feeling stuck, know that this will pass soon as you let go of your fears and worries about moving onto a brighter future. It is time to relax and surrender to the light for it only serves your higher purpose. Be sure to stay healthy during this time of great change and take better care of yourselves. Although times may be challenging, know that your spiritual family are around you always and they will help you if you ask them. They can only do so much to help you though; you have to make the first moves in improving your life for the better. What are you waiting for, beloveds? It is time for you to move forwards now and accept all the abundance that is there for you. No more holding back and worrying about this or that. Go boldly forth and be who you wish to be, for no-one else can do it for you. Only you can change your life and we shall assist where possible. I wish you a most blessed day of light and I send you love deep from within my heart. Always yours in service, your Mother, Quan Yin.” - Channelled by Catherine Robson on the 31st October 2012 - please share if you feel guided to. ♥

*Message of the Day* from Archangel Michael: "Ah, Beloveds, I feel your pain, yet I cannot do anything about it unless you ask me to come in and help you. If you are feeling burdened, please call on me to assist and I will be there with you in an instant, to help ease your pain and offer you a helping hand. Although I am always busy, I can be with everyone simultaneously, so please do not worry about asking me for help. I can be with anyone who helps, at any time. I work in Service to our Creator and this is my job, which I love and I am truly thankful to be in service, especially at a time such as this. I offer my own prayers and loving thoughts to all who are going through a tough time right now. Know that it is temporary and that your pains and burdens will be lifted soon. Only you can do this, so take that first step in moving forwards and releasing all that does not serve you. Take a deep breath and affirm “I now release all that no longer serves my needs and purpose. I am willing to surrender this to my Creator and the Angelic realms to be transmuted into joy. I now accept my Divine purpose and I move forward on my path at the speed of light. I am worthy of all help that is given to me at this time. I am love and I live in love and in joy.” Now see yourself releasing with each breath all that you no longer need. Let it go to the heavens to be transmuted to love. See a beautiful rose pink light around you and let it wash over you, bringing you love, joy and healing, to soothe your body and mind. This light comes from your inner child. It is you giving yourself a hug. Accept this love and use it whenever you wish, to get yourself back into balance again. Know that I am with you as you read this message and if you need any further healing or advice, then please ask me and I shall be by your side for as long as you wish. I go now but I watch over this page with love and I bless all who come here looking for help and assistance. Open yourself to this love and see how your path changes for the better. Always in your loving service, Archangel Michael and the Legions of Light.” - Channelled by Catherine Robson on the 30th October 2012 - please share if you feel guided to. ♥

*Message of the Day* from Lord Merlin: "Greetings on this fine day. It is my pleasure to be here today to give a message that will help those who frequent this page. You are all going through a time of great change and upheaval and this is leaving you tired, dear ones. Please be sure to get enough sleep at night, as this is when you do most of your work and it is important for you to be fit and well to continue your lightworker duties. In your awake state, you are being bombarded with many energies daily and these can affect your moods, causing mood swings and irritability. It is important for you to eat well, including colourful fruit and vegetables in your diet, so that you have the energy to heal and clear yourself of any toxins you encounter. We also note that most of you are not drinking enough water, so this is something for you to take time out to do. You are happy to be drinking sweet carbonated drinks, but these are not good for your health if taken daily in such a large consumption. The odd drink of this type of fluid is fine, as your body can remove this waste, but if you drink too much of it, then your body can get into trouble and become dehydrated. I would like to set you all a little task to improve one thing in your diet and then see how you feel having made this change. Making this one little change can lead to greater things. Keep up the good work beautiful ones, as you are all doing a wonderful job in regards to spreading the light of Source and teaching others how to heal themselves. I will share more in further messages but for now I wish you a good day.” - Channelled by Catherine Robson on the 29th October 2012 - please share if you feel guided to. ♥

*Message of the Day* from Goddess Isis: "Greetings, beloveds. It is lovely to see you all gathering more fully now in your lightworker groups. Many lightworkers are coming together at this time to send love and light to each other and to the Earth planes. Know that your work is helping greatly and no matter how small you think your contribution is, it all adds up and it is helping in many ways that you cannot see yet. Although your news media prefer to spread darkness, know that this is not all that is happening in the world. There are many light news stories too but they are not documented. Please continue to share your light, especially on media like this. As you do so, you will attract others who are like you and together you will make a difference. It is important in these times to come together in groups, so let go of any past conflict with your friends and move on together in new ways that will benefit you all. I am with you all as you walk this path, so call on me at any time and I shall be there with you in an instant. I send my love always and forever more." - Channelled by Catherine Robson on the 28th October 2012 - please share if you feel guided to. ♥


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