Angels are messengers from God/Source, who allow us a greater understanding and connection to the higher realms. They are a higher vibrational consciousness (divine or celestial beings) who have usually not existed on the Earth Plane in human form. They do not have karma or harbour low vibrational negative emotions connected to the lower planes. They are friends who bring gifts of pure light, love and healing to help you on your journey of life. The Angel Light Initiation will help you to connect more strongly to the angels. It includes a preparation exercise, a simple invocation method and 4 part attunement. There are no prerequisites, only a desire to walk with your Angels. Here are the 4 parts of the attunement: The Third Eye Attunement - There are several variations of Third Eye Initiations which have been passed down in various beliefs such as Wiccan, Buddhism and Tibetan teachings, however, we will use the mandala which originated in Eastern religions. It is circular and represents the Universe and wholeness. The mandala has been used by many to allign themselves to the Angels. Upper Astral Crown Initiation - This seeks to fine-tune your alignment and open a clear channel to the Angels, so that you can accept messages and healing directly. The Heart Attunement - This seeks to open the heart chakra, which is essential in working with healing energy in any form. This Initiation plants a seed and it is up to the individual to develop that energy through meditation and practice. Angel Initiations - These Initiations aim to connect you directly with a spiritual presence or a new guide/angel guide. This is the final attunement in the set and the most important. You are open and you are ready. These initiations are for channeling healing, receiving guidance and forming a connection to celestial beings. It is usual to feel waves of pure love and energy washing over you as the Angels make themselves known. There is a ceremony in the manual that you can do after your attunement, in order to call in the energy of the Angel Light healing system. You will automatically be attuned to this energy, but you can do the ceremony if you wish. Also in the manual is a description of the angelic hierarchy, angel meditations, angel exercises, a description of how to carry out the attunement on others and a description of how to carry out an angel healing. Once you have been attuned to this system, you will be able to use this energy for yourself and others. You will also be able to pass this attunement on to others.
You will receive: 1 e-mailed manual (27 pages), 1 distance attunement, an e-mailed certificate and my full support by e-mail before, during and after your course. The Founder of the system is : Anya Is this a Healing System or Empowerment? Both Are there any Prerequisites? No What is the approximate length of the attunement? 30 minutes
Case Studies: If you wish, you can complete case studies for this course. If you do wish to complete case studies, you will receive a CERTIFICATE OF MASTERY, which mentions that you have completed case studies. If you do not wish to complete case studies, you will receive a CERTIFICATE OF ATTUNEMENT. Please let me know whether you would like to complete case studies or not by using the drop down menu below.
For more information on my Courses, please visit my Courses page.
I look forward to helping you with your studies!
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Catherine, your free offerings and sharing of the Angel attunements and the meditations are wonderful. I came across your site today via facebook and am very happy to meet you and share in your work.. I will be telling others about your lovely website here too...thank you and the Angels. Namaste xx
Hello Catherine.... Thank you so much for the Attunement of Angel Light Intitation. I felt real great when I received it and felt the Angels around me. I am looking forward to using it as well. You are amazing and a wonderful friend. Blessings, Jeanette