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Mini Reading by e-mail

Would you love to receive spiritual guidance to help you find some clarity on your path? Would you love to find out which angels and guides are working with you? Or would you love to hear from your loved ones in spirit? If so, then why not book a channelled Reading with me as a gift for yourself! You deserve it!


I offer various different types of Readings by e-mail, mainly using my

mediumistic and intuitive abilities to directly channel the loving and inspirational messages for you from your spirit guides, angels, ascended masters, nature spirits, nature energies or your spiritual family.


This beautiful Spiritual Reading that I offer will be lovingly channelled for you for approximately 10 minutes and your messages will be typed up for you and sent in a pdf file to your email address, usually around 7-10 days after you have booked it. Your Mini Reading will be half an A4 page and approximately 350-400 words long.


The Readings I do come through in a similar fashion to Spiritual Counselling and all of the messages will be brought to you in a loving way that will leave you feeling inspired, empowered and ready to move on to the next stage of your life. They can be very healing, touching, uplifting, motivational and even educational, and I just love bringing through these Readings.


I work in service to the light and therefore I only communicate with spirits of the light. I am only the messenger and it is up to the spiritual realms who comes through for you and what information they wish to bring through. I cannot guarantee that a particular spirit will definitely come through for you, but I will try my best to make contact with them.


I do not perform predictions, as everyone has the power within them to create their own reality and this can change at regular intervals. I only offer possible outcomes, advice and guidance; then it is up to you to choose the path that you wish to walk. You are the one who manifests your life and you have full control over it. Even though I may offer a probable outcome for you according to the thoughts and actions you are taking at present, you can still change the outcome by changing your thoughts and actions.


Some things I can help you with and that you can ask me about include the following: romance/love, career/basic finances/abundance, general health (but not medical), your energy system/chakras/aura, colour therapy, life purpose/life path, spiritual growth/ascension, past lives, family life, who is around you (angels, guides, nature spirits, beings of light, departed loved ones), plants/herbs, crystal therapy, animal communication and magickal work.


Please note, I cannot answer questions of a serious medical, legal, criminal or financial nature. Please consult an appropriately qualified person if you need help with anything of this nature.


Readings are "for spiritual and entertainment purposes only and have not been scientifically proven." You must be 18 years old to receive a Reading.


The types of Readings I offer are as follows:


~ Angel & Ascension

~ Colour & Crystal

~ Divine Guidance (this is where you leave it up to spirit as to what type of Reading you will receive and it can be a mixture of some of the other types of Readings. This is great if you are unsure which type of Reading to choose).

~ Magickal

~ Nature

~ Past Life

~ Spirit (Mediumship)

~ Spirit Guide


Please view my Readings Page here to find out more about the wide range of Readings I offer and when you book, please let me know which type of Reading you would like by using the drop down menu at the top of this page. Please also let me know if you have any questions you would like answered in your Reading, or if there are any specific areas of your life that you would like guidance on. You can type these into a message on your booking, or you can send them to me by e-mail. This Reading is perfect for answering one question or receiving guidance on one area of your life.


I look forward to doing a Reading for you and bringing you loving and uplifting guidance from spirit, the angels, ascended masters or your spirit guides, to help you along your path of light!


Love, Catherine xxx

Mini Reading by e-mail

Rating is 5.0 out of five stars based on 24 reviews


    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    Based on 24 reviews
    24 reviews

    • KaylaApr 10, 2024
      Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

      I am still in awe with the Lemurian reading I received from Catherine! It brought such peace and love to my heart as I read it through over and over and it completely fit with me and how I have been feeling over the past while. So accurate and even though it is a mini reading there is still much to absorb! Thank you so much Catherine from my mini reading, you are so gifted and I would recommend your services to anyone seeking a reading - Kayla

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    • LouiseApr 10, 2024
      Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

      I received a 'Mini Golden Atlantis Reading' from Catherine and it was amazing. I was given guidance on the path I am going down at the moment which really touched my heart and has given me the encouragement I needed to continue. It was great to hear I am heading in the right direction. My only regret is that I only purchased a mini reading, next time I will definitely be treating myself to a bigger one. Thank you so much, Louise xx

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    • BridgetApr 10, 2024
      Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

      Nature Spirit Reading: "OMG!! Catherine, thank you so much for bringing me this reading. It has brought tears to my eyes, but I rejoice in it's beautiful uplifting message to me. I recently did a Unicorn attunement and my Unicorn I connected with was bathed in yellow! Obviously a meaningful colour for me. I look forward to connecting with Senga again. Thank you so much" xxx - Bridget

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    • KaylaApr 10, 2024
      Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

      Oceanic Energy Reading: "Wow! Thank you so much Catherine, I love this reading and it resonates completely as I have been on a path of manifestation and have been waiting for guidance on the next step. I love the Mermaid guide and the connections she shared and my eyes are green/blue depending on what I wear. Thank you so much again Catherine, I absolutely love this reading!" - Kayla

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    • Catherine Apr 10, 2024
      Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

      Hi Catherine :)) hope your well. I just wanted to say thank you sooooooo much for my mini spirit reading it was wonderful. I've had very brief visions of this spirit guide but I'm having problems connecting :( really pleased and feel blessed to now know his name :))))). Your readings are fantastic and soooo accurate, thank you again hun x x x - Catherine

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