Spiritual Development

Chakras are subtle energy centres in the body, where Universal energy enters and interpenetrates with our personal energy systems. There are many chakras in the body, but there are seven main ones, which extend as swirling vortices or wheels from the hara line, outwards to both the front and rear of the body, continuing into the subtle bodies of the aura. Each chakra is represented by a different colour of the spectrum.
These are the third dimensional chakras:
The first chakra is called the Root Chakra. It is red and is situated at the bottom of the spine. It is also known as the Base Chakra. This chakra is the root of our physical needs, our security, safety and sense of survival. The body parts that this chakra covers are the skeletal system, spine, feet, large intestine, kidneys and adrenal glands.
The second chakra is called the Sacral Chakra. It is orange and is situated around 2 inches below the navel. It is associated with sexuality, self-esteem, and personal power. The emotional aspects of this chakra relate to the inability to release old emotions, as present life and past life traumas are stored here. The body parts that are covered by this chakra are the womb, bladder, reproductive organs, circulatory system and the prostate.
The third chakra is called the Solar Plexus Chakra. It is yellow and is situated around 2 -3 inches above the navel. It is associated with perception, as it is the receiver, processor and distributor of perceptual energy. It relates to conscious and rational thinking, business sense, learning, wisdom, self-confidence and self-empowerment. The body parts related to this chakra are the stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, small intestine, digestive and nervous systems.
The fourth chakra is called the Heart Chakra. It is bright emerald green (has pink through it too) and is situated in the heart area. It connects the body, mind and spirit. It relates to one’s ability to give and receive, to love oneself and others. It is about unconditional love. The body parts related to this chakra are the heart, lungs, thymus and circulatory system.
The fifth chakra is called the Throat Chakra. It is pale blue/turquoise and is situated in the throat area. It is associated with communication, expression, creativity, hearing and clairaudience (clear hearing). This is the place where anger is stored. When we feel the sensation of being ‘choked up’, our throat chakra has tightened and restricted the flow of energy. The body parts associated with this chakra are the thyroid, parathyroid, throat, neck, mouth and hypothalamus.
The sixth chakra is called the Third Eye or Brow Chakra. It is Indigo Blue and is situated between the eyebrows. It is associated with inner sight, seeing into the psychic realms and understanding truth. The body parts associated with this chakra are the brows, eyes, nose, ears, pituitary and pineal glands.
The seventh chakra is called the Crown Chakra. It is Violet and is situated at the top of the head. It is associated with spiritual enlightenment and Divine wisdom. This chakra connects your energy body to spirit. The body parts associated with this chakra are the pineal gland, cerebral cortex, central nervous system and the right eye.
There are also fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh dimensional chakras available to humans at this time, which are different colours and vibrations from the third dimensional chakras. Diana Cooper has a wonderful meditation CD to help you bring in the fourth and fifth dimensional chakras: Diana Cooper
Chakra Clearing:
Coming soon
The Aura:
The Aura is the energy field surrounding all life forms, including the human body. This vital energy field is quite large when fully functional. In its basic form, it embodies seven major layers powered through the seven chakras and is energized by the kundalini, which is the storehouse of vital energy situated at the base of the spine. Vital energy should flow naturally up the spine with some energy radiating out of each chakra. Most of this energy rises through the crown chakra at the top of the head. It then showers through the auric field to be reabsorbed through the chakras and returned to the kundalini.
The aura acts like a two-way transmitter and receiver connecting us to the energies around us. It can read the auric field of another person or object, providing us with information on an etheric, intuitive level, or it can send messages to any other person or lifeform. The aura provides a protective envelope around a person, keeping away negative energies that may affect the physical body.
The different layers/bodies in the aura are as follows:
The Etheric body is a thin invisible layer around the physical body. It is an exact duplicate of the physical body, including all the organs and anatomical parts. This body vibrates at a higher rate, which is what makes it invisible to most of us. Those of us who are aware of it see it as a light blue or grey mist emanating up to 2 inches from the physical body. A more sensitive person will have a bluish etheric aura. A more robust person will have a greyish one. The Etheric body is connected to the Root Chakra.
The second body is the Emotional body. The emotional body is egg shaped and extends from the body by one to three inches. It reflects the feelings and emotions we have. Emotions like happiness, hope, love, anger, sorrow and hate are all found here. Our soul expresses love, joy and compassion. When our emotions are blocked or repressed they express feelings of fear, greed, envy, jealousy, guilt, among others. It is important to learn how to handle different emotions during a day. Otherwise they become suppressed and stored in the emotional body and can later be the cause of blockages and disturbances, possibly leading to medical problems. The Emotional body contains all the colours of the rainbow. Clear and highly energised emotions show as colours which are bright and clear. Confused feelings appear dark and muddy. The Emotional body is connected to the Sacral Chakra.
The Mental body extends out beyond the Emotional body. Its function is to teach us self knowledge. The lower mind is used for everyday thoughts and mental functioning and relates to our behavioural patterns that have been instilled in us from childhood, as well as our cultural belief systems. It extends from five to eight inches out from the body and is mainly yellow. It contains our thought forms and ideas. It is connected to the Solar Plexus Chakra.
The Astral body is composed of bright colours, especially rose, which is the colour of love. It extends from six to twelve inches from the body. This layer communicates with others to test compatibility of friendship or future relationships. It is about unconditional love and is connected to the Heart Chakra.
The Etheric Template body (divine will) can be identified with memory and our thought processes. Here, all our memories, forgotten, remembered or pushed away, are mirrored. The Etheric Template also stores the present and all the possible futures. It is also known as the Soul body, which connects us to our soul. It extends one and a half feet to two feet from the body. This layer responds to sound. It is connected to the Throat Chakra.
The Celestial body extends from about two to two and three quarters of a feet from the body and is composed of pastel colours with a pale golden shimmer. It brings us a sense of service, enabling us to work selflessly for others. One has to make a connection with our intuition and inner knowledge of our higher self to acquire these qualities. Once this connection is made, one will feel spiritual or unconditional love towards others and feel one with God. This body is connected to the Third Eye Chakra.
The Causal body (Ketheric Template) is the last body, which extends from around two and a half feet to three and a half feet from the body. The energies in this body spin with a very high frequency. The outer edge of the body forms an egg shaped cocoon which is very strong and protective. Within this shell, the aura consists of tiny pulsating gold and silver threads of light. This body is a highly structured template that holds the entire form of the aura together and also forms a golden grid structure around the physical body. This golden template contains the main power current which runs up and down the spine, nourishing the whole body and connecting the energies of all the chakras. Reaching this level of enlightenment brings a sense of oneness with the Creator. It is connected to the Crown Chakra.
Aura Cleansing:
Coming soon
Grounding yourself a few times a day strengthens your connection to the Earth and gives you balance. It is good for keeping your spirit in your body, so that you are calm and centred.
Here is a simple technique for you to try:
Stand, or sit with your back straight.
Breathe slowly and deeply until you are relaxed and calm.
Visualise yourself as a tree. Your branches stretch out above and your roots stretch deeply into the Earth. Your trunk is straight and strong.
Breathe in through your branches and take the breath right down through your trunk, breathing strongly into your roots and into the Earth.
Breathe in now from the Earth and bring the breath up through your roots, through your trunk, into your branches and up to Source.
You are now grounded and connected to both Mother Earth and to Source.
Shielding yourself a few times a day ensures that you don't pick up any energy that isn't for your highest good.
Here is a simple shielding technique for you to try:
Stand, or sit with your back straight.
Breathe slowly and deeply until you are relaxed and calm.
Visualise a lovely bright white light coming down from above, from Source.
Imagine this light going in through your crown chakra and down through your hara line and other chakras, down through your legs and coming down just under your feet.
Expand this white energy out like an egg shape all around your auric field.This ensures that you are totally shielded.
You may also say a short prayer if you wish.
You might like to add Archangel Michael’s deep blue cloak of total protection. You can visualise it as deep blue energy surrounding the white energy egg you have just placed, or your can visualise it an actual cloak, which you can place around you and zip up from your feet to under your chin. Remember and pull the hood down over your third eye.
You can use any colour of shielding bubble you wish. Use your intuition to bring in the colours you need.
Energetic Separation:
If you wish to disconnect from a person, whether it is someone in your everyday life or a client, then this technique may help you:
Step back from the person you wish to disconnect from.
Breathe in deeply from the point above your head and then out and deeply into the earth two or three times.
Visualise the person enclosed in an egg of bright white light and grounded to Mother Earth.
Visualise a separate egg of white light surrounding you and be aware of the space between your egg of light and the person's egg of light. Visualise yourself being grounded to Mother Earth.
Cord Removal:
A simple way to remove etheric cords that are draining you is to say "Archangel Michael, please remove all etheric cords that are draining me" and he will come in and remove them for you. As he is removing them, breathe deeply, breathing in beautiful joyful energies and breathing out any lower energies that you feel are holding you back. You can also remove the cords yourself using visualisation.
Coming soon
Mediumship/Channelling Exercise To Connect With Spirit:
1. Find a quiet place to relax where you won't be disturbed.
2. Light a candle and some incense if you wish, and put on some relaxing music. Candles should always be placed out of the reach of children and animals, and be in a safe place, in a suitable container away from curtains and draughts.
3. Breathe deeply a few times and then bring white light down from a star which is up in the sky. Bring it down to your crown chakra and send it down through your hara line and all your chakras, down through your root chakra, your legs and feet, all the way down to the middle of mother earth, into the huge crystal there.
4. Bring the white light from the crystal in mother earth back up through the earth, your feet and legs all the way up through your chakras to the star in the sky.
5. Now take a deep breath while bringing the energy from both the crystal and the star to your heart chakra at the same time, then when you breathe out, breathe the energy out of the front and back of your heart chakra at the same time. Imagine this balanced light energy going out like an egg shape all around your aura, as a form of protection.
6. You are now connected to Source and Earth, fully grounded and totally protected. If you wish, you can also ask your Doorkeeper Guide and/or Archangel Michael to oversee the exercise and ask them to only let in spirit of the highest light at all times. Also ask that the exercise be for your highest good.
7. Breathe deeply again a few times and try and clear your mind. If any everyday thoughts come in, acknowledge them and let them go.
8. If you wish to ask for a specific spirit to come in, then ask now. Always ask that they are from the highest light. For example, if I wish to speak to my guardian angel, I say "Dear guardian angel of the highest light", then I speak to her and ask her questions.
9. Once you have asked for who you would like to speak to, it is up to them whether they wish to come in or not, so don't be upset if the person you wish to speak to doesn't turn up. I have never had this happen yet, but it can happen.
10. If you don't wish to ask for a specific spirit, just ask that you would like to speak to any higher beings of light who are there for your highest good.
11. Once you have asked for communication, listen carefully and see what thoughts pop into your mind. When I hear spirits, it just sounds like my own voice, but I know it is spirit, because there is a slight difference in the feeling of the voice. There is a slight pushing feeling with the voice sometimes. You may doubt yourself, but in time, you will learn to trust that it is spirit speaking to you. Ask questions and listen for the answers.
12. You may feel energy around you, such as heat/cold/tingling/numbness/swirls or you may even see visions in your third eye. There is also a possibility that you may smell a particular fragrance from spirit. Don't worry if you don't get anything at all the first few times. It will come with practice. Also, some of the messages or feelings you get may be muddled to start with, but will become clear the more you progress.
13. Once you have finished your session, write down your experiences, then thank the spirits who communicated with you for their loving service and close yourself down.
14. To close down, repeat steps 3, 4 and 5. Intend that your chakras be closed to a normal level and have a drink of water.
15. Remember to put your candle out when you are finished.
14. If at any time during the exercise you feel uneasy or uncomfortable with the spirit you have connected with, ask for extra protection, and close down immediately. Ask the spirit to leave and it must do so.
Automatic Writing Exercise To Connect With Spirit:
This is similar to the above exercise.
1. Find a quiet place to relax where you won't be disturbed. Make sure you have some paper and a pencil beside you if you are using them, or you can type on a computer if that is easier for you.
2. Light a candle and some incense if you wish, and put on some relaxing music. Candles should always be placed out of the reach of children and animals, and be in a safe place, in a suitable container away from curtains and draughts.
3. Breathe deeply a few times and then bring white light down from a star which is up in the sky. Bring it down to your crown chakra and send it down through your hara line and all your chakras, down through your root chakra, your legs and feet, all the way down to the middle of mother earth, into the huge crystal there.
4. Bring the white light from the crystal in mother earth back up through the earth, your feet and legs all the way up through your chakras to the star in the sky.
5. Now take a deep breath while bringing the energy from both the crystal and the star to your heart chakra at the same time, then when you breathe out, breathe the energy out of the front and back of your heart chakra at the same time. Imagine this balanced light energy going out like an egg shape all around your aura, as a form of protection.
6. You are now connected to Source and Earth, fully grounded and totally protected. If you wish, you can also ask your Doorkeeper Guide and/or Archangel Michael to oversee the automatic writing exercise and ask them to only let in spirit of the highest light at all times. Also ask that the automatic writing exercise be for your highest good.
7. Breathe deeply again a few times and try and clear your mind. If any everyday thoughts come in, acknowledge them and let them go.
8. If you wish to ask for a specific spirit to come in, then ask now. Always ask that they are from the highest light. For example, if I wish to speak to my guardian angel, I say "Dear guardian angel of the highest light", then I speak to her and ask her questions.
9. Once you have asked for who you would like to speak to, it is up to them whether they wish to come in or not, so don't be upset if the person you wish to speak to doesn't turn up. I have never had this happen yet, but it can happen.
10. If you don't wish to ask for a specific spirit, just ask that you would like to speak to a higher being of light who is there for your highest good.
11. If you wish to use the paper and pencil method, hold the pencil lightly in your left hand, on the paper, and ask that the spirit communicator use the pencil to communicate with you. You can just let them write what they want, or you can ask them questions and they will write the answers. You may feel your hand and arm going tingly/warm/cold or numb, which is normal. Once the pencil starts writing, you may just get scribbles to start with, but after you have practiced for a while, you will start to get normal writing that you can read properly. It may take a few tries to get something that you can decipher. If you wish to use the computer method, hold your fingers lightly over the keyboard, and let spirit use your hands to type. This can be harder than the paper and pencil method, but the more you practice the easier it will become. Again, you may feel your hands and arms going tingly/warm/cold or numb, which is normal.
12. Once you have finished your session and are happy with what you got, thank the spirit who communicated with you for their loving service and close yourself down.
13. To close down, repeat steps 3, 4 and 5. Intend that your chakras be closed to a normal level and have a drink of water.
14. Remember to put your candle out when you are finished.
15. If at any time during the exercise you feel uneasy or uncomfortable with the spirit you have connected with, ask for extra protection, and close down immediately. Ask the spirit to leave and it must do so.